Arkansas Foodbank partners with Arkansas Counts to prepare for 2020 Census
Did you know that 2020 is a census year? Every 10 Years, there is a count of the US population. This year, we have partnered with Arkansas Counts to get grant funds to help #GetOutTheCount!
With this funding we’ll be hosting workshops in central and southern Arkansas for key community members to come learn more about the census process and how they can help make sure their friends and neighbors are counted. At these workshops we’ll be giving away tools and resources that will help community members advocate and educate their town about the census. Imperative funding and resources for things like roads, hospitals, schools and how much food a community needs is at stake if members of communities in Arkansas are not counted. These workshops will give attendees a better understanding of the census questions and how to ensure those in their community get counted!
We kicked off our first workshop in Dumas this week with a great response! We’ll be hosting several others throughout the next few weeks. See below for our confirmed workshops. If you’d like to attend one of the sessions listed, please RSVP to Regina Taylor at rtaylor@arkansasfoodbank.org.
Thursday, March 5th – 10am -12noon – Community Family Enrichment Center
Community Family Enrichment Center
301 N. 23rd Street
Arkadelphia, AR 71923
Thursday, April 2nd – 10am – 12noon – Donald W. Reynolds Community Services Center
Donald W. Reynolds Community Services Center
211 W 3rd Ave, Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Friday, April 24th – time TBD – University of Arkansas – Phillips Community College – Stuttgart
University of Arkansas – Phillips Community College
Stuttgart Room B103
2807 Hwy. 165 South, Box A
Stuttgart, AR 72160
Be sure to follow us on Facebook for updates and additional workshops that could be added.