
Legacy of Hope

Learn about our planned giving program including legacy gifts, bequests, gift annuities and charitable trusts. At its heart, planned giving is very simple. It’s not about tax law or asset transfers. It’s about what you value. Planned giving is one of the best ways to ensure that your support for hunger relief continues into the future. So many people have played a role in our history and making the Arkansas Foodbank the cornerstone of hunger relief that it is today. By making a planned gift, you can write the next chapter!

Please contact our Chief Development Officer at 501.569.4319 for information on leaving a Legacy of Hope, or to establish a gift to the Arkansas Foodbank. You can also view our Legacy of Hope brochure here.

Corporate Engagement

The Arkansas Foodbank invites your group to join us as we create “a stronger community where hunger needs are met with sufficient access to nutritious food.” Our organization values strong community partnerships to help fulfill our mission of providing hunger relief to thousands of families facing food insecurity in Arkansas. As many corporate partners have shared with us, this is a great way to encourage team building and make a difference in your community.

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